- Adult Ministries
- Children’s Ministries
- Youth Ministries
- Deacon Ministries
- Music Ministries
Adult Ministries
We believe that our best life is found when we learn and grow together. From Sunday afternoon seminars and panel discussions, to regular Bible studies and fellowship groups for different ages and stages, we offer opportunities to deepen understanding, ask questions, and have conversations about God.
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Bible Study for Mandarin Speakers
This small group study is for all Mandarin speakers interested in learning more about the Bible.
Circle of Women - Bible Study
All ages are welcome to join in this weekly time of connection. During this winter series we will be exploring the book of Hebrews.
Mens Breakfast
Join old friends and make new ones at a weekly men's breakfast of faith, food and fellowship.
Small Groups
Newly-formed small groups will meet together, long-established groups will share resources, and interested newcomers can learn more!
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Children’s Ministries
At SMCC we love children! Children are a beloved part of our spiritual community and have a special place in God’s heart. We seek to encourage children to connect to God and one another, making friends, growing in their faith, and discovering their unique role in God’s kingdom!
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Children's Mid-Week Programming
Club 345: Faith and Friends in Action (formerly American Girls & Treeclimbers) takes place every 1st & 3rd Wednesday in the Fall and Spring.
Children’s Spiritual Formation
Children's Spiritual Formation is an interactive, engaging during Sunday worship. It's at the heart of our ministry.
Club 345: Faith & Friends in Action
Our Midweek after-school programming returns on Wednesday, February 7
VBS 2025: True North
Join us for VBS 2025 True North, Trusting Jesus in a wild world | Monday, July 28 - Friday, August 1.
Youth Ministries
At SMCC, we want youth to feel welcome, loved, and part of something regardless of who they are. Students in middle school and high school go through the biggest transformation of their lives as they are approaching adulthood.
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Deacon Ministries
The Deacon Board coordinates and manages our ministries, but the teams are made up of people from our congregation, people like you! Get ready and pray for God’s guidance and wisdom to lead you towards a team that fires your passion and resonates with your gifts.
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Grief Ministry
Experiencing grief is a universal experience. Let Community Church accompany you.
Lay Visitation
Our Deacons are very aware that at this time of you year people can feel lonely and sad, especially if they live alone.
Prayer Team
Now more than ever, prayer is a gift – and just as with any spiritual gift, it can be used to build up the church.
Music Ministries
San Marino Community Church has a long tradition of musical excellence that sets our congregation apart. We offer a number of opportunities for the community to participate in this ministry. Join us!
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A/V Tech Team
The Contemporary Worship at Community requires a robust team to serve in the A/V Tech Ministry.
Join the Chancel Choir
SMCC's Chancel Choir provides vocal leadership for the 9:00 am Traditional Worship.
The Ensemble
The Ensemble is made up of nine vocalists who provide musical leadership during Traditional worship.
Virginia Road Band
This band leads the contemporary service in worship each Sunday with a mixture of modern worship songs and hymns.